All of our training, regardless of who is the specific trainer that clients are matched with to meet their goals, have an education and basis in mobility. The importance of mobility is to enhance not just performance, but to respect the longevity of one’s career. If people lack a certain amount of mobility in their joint’s and entire kinetic chain, then any other training could be compounding unwanted stress on the body. Once a certain foundation of mobility is in place, our strength training is centered around modifying each drill to the client in front of us and their goals. Most sessions will run 60 min. Beyond the training, the Durable Athlete system is based on mastering the 4 pillars of health: Sleep, Movement, Nutrition, and Breath. We strive to educate and empower clients to master these 4 areas of their life because without it, we will not see the impactful gains we hope to realize.
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
1/2/25 – 3/1/25
Tue/Thu 6 – 7 // 7 -8 PM
Saturday 9 – 11 AM
Saint Michael Catholic Prep
Performance training sessions that are led by Durable Athlete that will highlight and focus on developing the entire athletic profile of athletes. This includes: strength , speed, agility, mobility & injury mitigation. These classes are designed for ALL athletes of all sports and specializations. We offer 2 hours / day and athletes will only need to stay for 1 full hour. Our programming will be a hybrid of individualization and group deliveries to make sure that different levels of athleticism and ages are taken into account.
Middle school – High school athletes.
Price Options:
$225/month unlimited sessions
For pricing and to book contact +1 8312 405 450